Valley Girl (1983)

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Overall Rating:
Cageyness Factor:

Character: Randy (The punk from the city)

This was my first time watching this movie and I have to say that I am absolutely head over heels for Randy. The movie itself is about Julie and Randy. Julie is a valley girl (like totally bitchin to the max) and Randy is a ‘punk’ from the city. Let me be clear, the idea of punks that enters your head today is not what Randy is in this movie. He knows some actual punks with the mohawks and the spikes on their leather jackets etc. Randy is into rock n roll and is actually pretty chill. I’m getting ahead of myself. Let’s backup a bit.

So the movie opens up overlooking the city and settles into a mall where Julie and pals are shopping. They have a very valley girl sounding conversation about how Tommy and Brad are totally bitchin and so buff. Gag me. Why is there always a Brad in these movies? Anyway, this evolves into a day at the beach wherein the gal pals are talking about a party at Suzie’s house. She is one of the gang who has a side story I will get to later. Here comes our Randy walking up a small hill on the beach. Girl sees boy. Boy sees girl. This is where Randy’s buddy tells him about the party. Randy does not want to go to the valley. Spoiler alert: he goes.

A few things happen at this cringe-worthy party after my love Randy and his buddy show up. Tommy the douchebag makes out with one of the gal pals and makes her feel like crap for doing it when he was manipulating her to do it. He holds this over her head for a big chunk of the movie. Randy and Julie hit off pretty well. He is charming, sarcastic, funny, and his style is just hot. Pardon me, my lust is showing. Just gonna tuck that back a bit.

So! Tommy sees Randy talking with Julie and does the typical douchebag thing. Randy takes Tommy’s right hook pretty hard and douchebag’s pals hold him back while Tommy hits him a few more times. Randy’s bud is cowering behind a chick at the party, but they both get thrown out of the party. Randy is not pleased about it, so they sneak into the house where he tells Julie to come outside and leave with them. She does so after dragging her best friend with her complaining the whole time.

The drive from the house to a club is how we get to know Randy a bit. Cue Cageyness. He’s driving calling out to people he knows on the sidewalks of his side of town. You will hear the ‘cry of the Cage’ at the third personish. I giggled like a schoolgirl when I heard it. It is around the time I spied a Datsun and shouted ‘Datsun!’ This club is pretty happenin. Lots of people are dancing to the rock n roll tunes of The Plimsouls. Sidenote: the soundtrack is solid. Give it a listen. Anyway, Randy and Julie click and the kissing starts. They end up at whatever makeout point this city has while her best friend is being friendly chased around the car by Randy’s buddy. They stay out all night, but did not sleep together.

Let’s meet Julie’s parents. They are hippies and do not punish her for being out all night because they believe in bad karma and had a night in a cemetery once. Meanwhile, Suzie’s mom wants to bang Skip, the guy Suzie wants. Yeah, and he is definitely down for it. We will come back to that one in a bit. Shortly after this, we see how assholey her friends really are. They have a sleepover and pretty much talk a bunch of shit about my man, Randy. She decides to break up with him and go back to Tommy. Gross. Randy takes it hard, gets trashed and bangs his ex in the bathroom of the club. Somewhere in all of that, Suzie bangs Flip and her mom walks in on them.

His buddy finds him and talks some sense into him. At this point, Randy decides that he is not just going to let her get away. Cageyness commences. He dresses up as an employee at the movies wearing 3d glasses and taking tickets. Julie recognizes him. Tommy does not and asks, “Is it in 3D?” Randy replies, “No, but your face is.” Tommy moves forward looking confused and concerned. Randy takes the next tickets and says “Enjoy your flight.” They go to a burger joint and Randy comes out with their food. She recognizes him again. Tommy doesn’t and says “You seem to have forgotten our fries and coke.” Randy in true Cage fashion replies, “WELL, PETER PIPER PICKED A PECK OF PICKLED PEPPERS, I DID!” Laughter ensues. I had to pause the movie because I laughed for a while. Randy camps out outside of Julie’s window and she ignores him. I hate her by this point.

She goes to prom with Tommy. Randy shows up, kicks his ass and runs off with Julie in the limo Tommy and Julie arrived in. Roll Credits. Cue Modern English’s I Melt With You. Here’s my beef with this movie. Julie didn’t follow Randy out of the party to begin with. Tommy is a douchebag from the very beginning. Why on Earth would anyone choose that for themselves when they have a sad eyed valiant sweetheart like Randy? If your friends are going to be assholes about the guy you clearly care for without a good reason, it’s time for new friends. Randy was different from them for sure, but he is a good guy. Okay. I am done complaining.
This movie reignited my love for the 80s and fanned the flames of love for Nic Cage all at once. If you have not had the pleasure of watching this movie, stop what you are doing right now and go watch it. You will be glad you did. See ya on our next Cageventure!

Randy looks a little different from the others and is prepared to fight for what he loves. He is adorable and lights Julie up like a torch, so I chose Charmander.

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