
What a spectacular event to occur during such chaotic times!

I’m Jess. I happen to have the best group of friends ever in life. Let me explain. 

My friends have a way of annoying me and pestering me until I watch a show or movie that they want me to watch. These shows and movies are plentiful and include Game of Thrones, Breaking Bad, and The Orville. It so happens that the latest challenge (we’ll call them) came about while talking with my current team at work about these antics that occur. My annoyance is your gain because let’s be honest, Nicolas Cage is a national treasure and must be honored and glorified in all of his Nic Cagey wonder. 

I hope to be able to do this for you – the readers.

 I do not claim to be a good writer, nor do I claim to be a good reviewer of anything ever. Quite frankly, I might be the sole worst person ever chosen for something of this… magnitude. However, in the words of Mister Nicolas Cage, “I have an opportunity to use storytelling as a way to solve pain.”

 And that’s just what I’m going to do, folks. So, strap in and get comfortable. 

We’re going in!